As an author, mentor, and researcher my focus is on supporting change and encouraging new growth; finding the new best path. The process I teach leads to, and sustains, a new life.
Cornelia J Krikke
Inspired Perspectives is an uplifting and mind-shifting collection of short stories. Each approaches a brief encounter from two or more perspectives. Readers are continually inspired by the work. This is a Poetic Approach To Understanding. “Cornelia is a remarkable and eloquent writer.” Donna Eden, Author Eden Energy Medicine, Founder Eden Method “Cornelia’s writing evoked memories […]

Reading ‘Inspired Perspectives’ (by Cornelia J Krikke) is an experience like no other. Here in your hand is a beautiful seamless blend of living poetry and prose — one that succeeds gloriously in its goal of reminding us that a taste of freedom and grace is ours — if only we are willing to shift out of our rigidly held mindset and habitual points of view.
Tender, poignant, at turns poetic, Cornelia Krikke’s prose in ‘Inspired Perspectives’ inspires like a fresh breeze.
Nourishment for the soul; the stories in ‘Inspired Perspectives’ (by Cornelia J Krikke) pique the senses through a unique, direct style of story-telling. It is guaranteed that these vignettes and poems will stay in your thoughts long after they are read. There is real magic in this book.
Cornelia has given us a path and guidance for change. There are miracles even when the path is dark and ‘Inspired Perspectives’ teaches us about them. The short story aspect of the book is refreshing and the parts about deep love are especially moving.
What a wonderful way to complete a dinner party! There was a freshness to our conversation that has been missing for years. Thank you Cornelia.
I loved ‘Inspired Perspectives’ (by Cornelia J Krikke). I read it in one sitting. Cornelia’s words moved me into a deeply embodied state, full of hums and aches and thrums. Her writing evoked memories of childhood play in the forest, loved ones lost and found, as well as moments of unspeakable bliss. Her work is both elegiac and celebratory like a prayer to the complex experience of being human.
The tales Cornelia J Krikke tells in ‘Inspired Perspectives’ highlight how through love we can reclaim ourselves by observation and reflection. What are some of the keys? Simple connection, awareness of our daily lives, respect for intimacy and gratitude for magical moments. We make choices to notice our connections. Cornelia reminds us to choose well!
Cornelia’s invitation to explore our lives with an active imagination has birthed vivid insights about our mutual dance, with nature and with each other. Read ‘Inspired Perspectives’ and savour the rainbow of inner visions that blossom.
Great change of pace! I continue to consider these questions as I go through the days. The contemplative benefit is extraordinary!

As an author, coach and mentor, I focus on supporting change and supporting new growth; Finding the new best path. The method I teach leads to, and sustains new life